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Tauriko School

by Suzanne Billington

Student Wellness & Attendance

Suzanne Billington - May 11, 2023

Tauriko School whanau should be aware that we currently have students and staff away due to Covid-19 and other illnesses.

As we move into the winter terms, we have become quickly aware of the viruses and illnesses that are occurring. A huge thank you to those families who keep us informed through the website link of their children's absences and why. 

This information you share about illness enables us to inform other parents/whanau about what is happening in our school community in relation to illnesses.

Safe Health Practices

Tauriko School continues to use good Health & Safety practices to keep us as safe as possible on the school site from any illness (including Covid-19). These are:

  • Stay home if you have symptoms and/or are feeling unwell
  • Wash your hands regularly and/or use sanitiser
  • Cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue
  • Children will be sent home from school if they exhibit symptoms of illness

At the moment we have these illnesses prevalent:

  • Covid-19
  • Other flu viruses
  • Vomiting bugs

We are encouraging anyone who has flu symptoms to RAT test to check if they have Covid -19 or not. 

Current Covid-19 requirements

Generally, anyone who does have Covid-19 needs to still self-isolate for seven days. There is more detailed relevant information for anyone who tests positive and for those people who have had Covid-19 before HERE

It is expected that this seven day period of time will continue over the winter months and be reviewed later in the year. Anyone else in the whanau can go about their normal daily routine. If they develop symptoms they should stay home and test.

Some people who have tested positive for COVID-19 can still be infectious after 7 days. If you are still sick at the end of your self-isolation period, stay home until you are well and for 24 hours after you no longer have symptoms that mean you still feel miserable.

Support information about Covid-19 can be found HERE.

Beyond our school community we are also aware that measles and whooping cough are of concern. Both these illnesses are highly contagious and children should stay home if they become sick with these.

If you have any questions in relation to this please don't hesitate to ring the school office.

Ngā mihi nui,
