Hero photograph
Year 3 and 4 Tauriko Storm Hockey team
Photo by Jolene Nelson

Spotlight on Sport

Jolene Nelson —

Some of the winter sports are starting to wind up with netball having finished and basketball and hockey having just a few more weeks of play.

Which means the start of the Summer Sport preparation is underway. Keep an eye out the first week of September for information on signing up to Term 4 Sports.  


In the lead up to Term 4 tennis, the tennis coaching team that comes onsite for after school tennis coaching in Terms 1 and 4, will be holding a couple of Have A Go days.  

On Monday 27th August, during lunchtime a Have A Go session will be held for years 1-4 and on Tuesday 27th August, during lunchtime a similar session will be held for years 5-8. This is a great taster session to see if your children would be interested in signing up for tennis in Term 4.  There is no need to sign up - children just need to turn up on the day.  

Also attached in the flyer within this page, is information on two open days being held at Gate Pa tennis club on Sunday 2nd and 9th September for those who might be interested in joining a tennis club.  

Yummy Stickers

Keep those yummy stickers from your supermarket shopping coming in.

Our collation of the Yummy cut-out labels from bags and individual Yummy apple stickers will be sent away in September so if all stickers could be in by the end of August that would be great. The more stickers and labels we collate, the more of a share of $200,000 in sports gear we will be able to be part of.

Sheets to place labels and stickers on are available for download here:

