Hero photograph
Photo by Jo Te Whaiti

Orange Day News

Jamie, Kaden & Kane - Tall Poppies —

Orange Day is a day of celebration for bus monitors and children in school involved in Road Safety.

Orange day is all about people that help with the road so that it is safe for everyone. There were children from schools throughout the Tauranga district. Our bus monitors attended.

We made a march and we had a banner to represent our school. Every school had a banner and a message. Our message was ‘CUTTING THROUGH, SHAME ON YOU!’ We want to stop people cutting through our carpark to keep kids safe. Laura and Mikaylee designed the banner and we all helped to paint it. We won the message for the banner competition and got two trophies. One we can keep for one year and the other we can keep for good.

After the march, we went to Baywave for a swim. That was really fun!