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Celebrating Book Week!

Lynda Palfrey —

Hi dee hi Campers ... what a week that was!

Last week was a celebration of books and reading based around the Happy Campers theme. There was an array of camping related activities from bookmark making, story stone painting, tent-shaped book cover design competitions and scavenger hunts during play and lunchtimes. We had buddy reading between classes and teachers moved rooms in the great teacher readaround. Special highlights of he week were the Happy Camper book character parade, grandparents visit, the Milo and marshmallow storyteller event and the School Council pjs, popcorn and movie event. As part of this marvellous celebration of literacy we also held our annual Scholastic Book Fair which was once again very popular and well-patronised.

A huge thanks must go to our wonderful PTA who generously contributed $1000 to go towards books that were donated to the school library. This is so exciting and will add lots of wonderful new books to our library. Thanks also to the PTA for their support with making the Milo and marshmallow event so delicious. 

We would also like to thank Carolyn Fleet for overseeing the Book Fair every day it was open, the team of mums who helped out with the Book Fair, Paula Simmonds who once again ran an extremely busy and much-loved bookmark making lunchtime session, the Tauranga Librarians who gave up their time on Thursday evening to share their books and love of reading with our children, and all the people who braved the elements on Thursday to celebrate our character parade. Special thanks to Sophie Neustroski who entertained and informed us each morning with her "hi dee hi campers" public announcements over the PA system - a daily highlight! Everyone of you played a part in this massively success week.   

Book Week is a special event on our yearly calendar and as we reflect on a fabulous week of books and reading we are already looking forward to next year.