Hero photograph
Photo by Jolene Nelson

Spotlight on Sport

Jolene Nelson —

Thank you to all the coaches, managers and parents supporting our winter sports teams over the past few months.

Between basketball, hockey and netball, Tauriko School was able to enter 13 teams across the three codes which requires a significant commitment from adult support to make this happen.  So thank you! 

There have been some great results and some great improvement in players abilities across all ages, so we hope you and your children have enjoyed the season.  If you have any feedback, please do not hesitate to drop Jolene an email and let her know:  sports@tauriko.school.nz

Term 4 Sports

Keep an eye out next week for the Term 4 sport summer options notice that summarises a wide range of options available for the last term of the year.

Weetbix kids tryathlon

This year, Tauriko School has chosen to enter a team of students into the Weetbix kids tryathlon.  Information on how to register as part of the school team, will be included in the next newsletter, but in the interim, if your child is interested, the date for your diary is Sunday 25th November. The tryathlon will be held at Arataki Park, Mount Maunganui. 

If the last couple of years are anything to go off, this is a well organised event and one that shouldn't be missed.