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Message from the PTA

Jolene Nelson —

The PTA met for the first time this year last week and has hit the ground running with plans for the year.

A few decisions were made that were no-brainers for PTA members.  The decision to contribute funds for bus transport for the whole school for swimming sports, cross country, athletics and the production were easy decisions to make as we know this can help to lighten the financial ask of families.  

The three big fundraising events for the year have been set - the first being the annual quiz night for our adult community that will take place in Term 2.  Term 3 will see our students  challenged through a knowledgeathon  and then the fun Ag Day/Market Day will take place the first Friday back in Term 4. 

The PTA are looking forward to picking up some momentum with the confidence course investigations and seeing some further progress with the Maths Zone this term so we will keep you posted as this all progresses! 

Learning Partnership Meetings 

Remember to bring along some loose change to make dinner an easy one on the evenings of the Learning Partnership Meetings.  The PTA will have the bbqs running with a sausage sizzle from 4-6pm on both Monday 11th March and Thursday 14th March.  

Networking opportunity 

Are you wanting to get to know other school parents are bit more?  Twice a year, available PTA members and RAFT members (Relations and Friends of Tauriko) get together for an informal catch up.  Why? Just cause! 

It is an opportunity for mingling in an informal situation and provides an chance to get to know one another that little bit more.  Being the new year, we would like to extend the welcome to other school parents.  Whether you are new to school, have been involved for a year, or three, or more, come along for an hour and mingle with other school parents.  

When: 6pm, Tuesday 2nd April.  

Where: Tauriko School PAC 

RSVP: No need - just come along.  

We hope to see you there!