Hero photograph
Photo by Natalie van Dijk

Chess Champions

Natalie van Dijk —

Our Senior School students have been very lucky to participate in a Chess Taster session.

They learnt about where chess originated, the names of the chess pieces and how each of the pieces can move. It was great to see them all giving this strategic game a go. 

Here is what some of the kids thought about the session: 

I really liked the Chess session because I had learnt to play Chess before. It is my favourite board game - Zurich 
I thought the Chess session was good and I learnt about all the pieces and how to play chess - Mia 
I quite liked the Chess session yesterday because I learnt some things I didn't know about chess - Zeerak 

Tauriko School Chess Club - next term there will be a Chess Club run in the library on a Thursday lunchtime. The cost for this will be $50 for ten sessions. A notice has been sent home with students who are interested in joining or you can contact Jo Te Whaiti to register your child's interest: jtewhaiti@tauriko.school.nz. In order for this club to run we need 20 students to join so please send the permission slips back as soon as possible.