Hero photograph
Te wiki o te reo Maori
Photo by Jo Te Whaiti

Te Wiki o te reo Maori

Jo Te Whaiti —

From Monday 12th to Friday 16th of September we will be celebrating Te Wiki o te reo Maori.

Māori Language week has been celebrated every year since 1975.

Te Wiki o te reo Maori is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate, promote and encourage the use of te reo Maori. Every minute of every hour of every day is a Māori language minute – we can choose to use te reo – every time we do, even just a ‘Kia ora!’ contributes to revitalisation.

What can you do to contribute to te reo Māori revitalisation:

  • Make te reo welcome in your home & workplace
  • Make an effort to pronounce Māori words correctly when speaking English
  • Learn a little, use a little
  • Learn more, and use what you know
  • Keep improving your language, and share what you know

We have activities planned throughout the week for all of our tamariki to take part in. Our Tall Poppies will be running a scavenger hunt which will take place over the week. Tenielle and Lana will be popping into each class in the mornings to share a daily whakatauki. Classes will join their buddy classes for Tuakana-Teina Time and all rooms will take part in Maori Language Moment along with thousands of other New Zealanders.

We also have lots of fun planned:

Rahina (Monday):

  • Kapa Haka with Keira and Tenielle for our Year 5-8 students. All those interested are to come to the Wee Sprouts at lunchtime. Bring your kai!

Ratu (Tuesday):

Author visit by Stacey Mareroa-Roberts who will be sharing her new book - 'Brooklyn Builds a Bridge':

  • 10.45-11.30am Year 5-8
  • 11.35-12.15pm Year 1-4

Raapa (Wednesday):

  • Maori Language Moment in classes at noon
  • Kapa Haka with Keira and Tenielle for our Year 1-4 students. All those interested are to come to the Wee Sprouts at lunchtime. Bring your kai!

Rapare (Thursday):

  • Harakeke weaving on the library deck at morning tea

Ramere (Friday):

  • Takaro - learn how to play Takaro in the library at lunchtime (12.20pm)