Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Rose

Visual Pepeha

Lisa Rose —

A pepeha is an introduction of ourselves in te reo Māori and incorporates our ancestry and history.

Our learning focus of Whanaungatanga has included classes creating visual pepeha.

These are on display in rooms and look absolutely stunning, so do pop in and check them out!

Wee Sprouts:

Image by: Lisa Rose

Rooms 3 & 4:

Image by: Lisa Rose

Room 5:

Image by: Lisa Rose

Room 6:

Image by: Lisa Rose

Room 7:

Image by: Lisa Rose

Room 10:

Riley Forrest - Room 10 — Image by: Hayley Coleman
Kynan Taikoko - Room 10 — Image by: Hayley Coleman

Room 12:

Image by: Lisa Rose

Room 13:

Image by: Lisa Rose

Room 14:

Image by: Lisa Rose