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Agricultural Day & PTA Gala 2018

Lisa Rose —

Put this date on your calendar...

Our annual Agriculture Day and PTA Gala is on Thursday the 18th of October with animal judging starting at 2pm, and prizegiving at 4pm before the twilight Gala kicks off.

This is a wonderful event for all students and families to be involved with.  For families new to our school it is timely to check in with the School Office in regards to information about raising chickens, lambs and goats. (Note: there are no calves at Ag Day this year due to recommendations in response to Mycoplasma Bovis).

Each student will create exhibits which will be proudly on display for the event. This year there are some changes to the exhibits, information will be communicated shortly about this.

Keep an eye out for the Gala Information Packs that have been sent home to the eldest child this week with all the information you need to know about the Gala.  Thanks to our wonderful PTA for the preparation work being done behind the scenes. In order to the make the Gala a success the PTA really do need your help, so thank you in advance for your support with this fun community event!