Natalie van Dijk — Mar 12, 2018

This year we have 17 Year 5 and 6 Jump Jam Leaders.

These Jump Jam leaders run three sessions a week of Jump Jam for the school and have to train weekly to learn new routines. 

Here's what our Year 5 and 6 leaders have to say about Jump Jam: 

Andre Nelson - I like the responsibility and you can teach the little kids awesome Jump Jam moves. 

Analise Roscoe - There a lot of leadership opportunities and it is fun exercising. 

Zoe Davy - I like learning the new dances and being a leader who teaches other people. 

Tyler Nelson - It is entertaining and it's good fun. It's good to get your body moving. 

Madison Bourke - I enjoy being able to show people what to do during Jump Jam songs. 

Lacey Graham - I like that you can be who you want to be and can just dance without stopping. 

Emily Te Whaiti - You get to learn new dances. 

Casey Beach - You can move how you want to move. 

Amber Somervell - I am looking forward to doing Jump Jam because I really love doing Jump Jam. 

Luke Cumming - I am looking forward to teaching the little kids some new Jump Jam songs. 

Caleb Litolff - That I am able to lead the little kids and dance to songs. 

Regan Cumming - That you can teach little kids stuff!!!!

Yumin Song - I am looking forward to competing against other people. 

Micah Verstappen - When we do Jump Jam we can teach the little kids Jump Jam moves and they might want to become leaders when they get older. 

Sophie Neustroski -I'm glad I'm a Jump Jam Leader because I can teach the little kids Jump Jam songs so they can get better at them so that they might want to become a Jump Jam Leader and they might remember them when they leave school. 

Coco Campion - I like Jump Jam because you get to move to the music. All the little kids that watch us will get inspired by the leaders and might want to become one when they get older.