Tawa College Secretary — Jun 19, 2023

The Wellington Big Sing Regional competition was held on Thursday 8th June 2023.

Tawa College had four choirs participate at the Big Sing regionals this year - twice as many as any other school. Those choirs were the Dawn Chorus (our 120-student all-comers choir), the Year 9 Choir Class (an option subject), Tira Tawa (a junior auditioned choir) and Blue Notes (our main auditioned choir).  Blue Notes were awarded two of the three trophies on the night: one for the best performance of a classical piece, and one for best performance of a contemporary piece. All the choirs represented the school superbly and the staff were very proud of the way they supported each other and the other schools. Instrumentalists supported the various choirs also. Thanks to the wonderful Choir Directors Mr Cameron and Mr Stone and the accompanists Mr Stone, Dr Malcolm-Swindells and instrumentalists Mr Casbolt and Micah Langham.