Hero photograph
Photo by Tawa College Secretary

Request for Host Families

Sensei Yoon, HOD Languages —

Kia Ora e te whānau and Konnichiwa

At Tawa College, we host a group of students annually from Tokyo. The Japanese students from Shibuya Makuhari, Tōkyō, have been coming annually to Tawa College for a number of years, and they love their experiences at Tawa College. We need host families and a buddy from each family to accommodate this group for 12 days. They will arrive on Friday 8th March, and depart Wednesday 20th March, 2024

This will be a fantastic opportunity for your child and whānau to make connections with someone from a different culture and language.

The homestay fee is $550 for the 12 nights. We are currently seeking host families who can provide a safe and caring environment for the students, three meals each day, and organise transport to and from school. Students can share a bedroom with a Tawa student of the same gender, but must have a separate bed.

Please note, all persons 18 years or older who live on your property will also need to be police vetted.

If you are interested please email me on syoon@tawacollege.school.nz. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Nā and Dōzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

Shōmi Yoon