Te Kohu o Tawa
Tawa College Secretary - June 19, 2023
The performance bracket consisted of seven pieces:
Whakaeke - Te Mana o Te Kohu
Mōteatea - Tērā ia Ngā Tai
Waiata-ā-ringa - Tuakiri
Poi - Te Pīrere Nui ki Aotearoa
Whakawhiti - Ka Tukituki
Haka - Rūaumoko
Whakawātea - Rōngo Te Ao Haka
The group’s Manukura (leaders) are:
Ōriwa Duncan (Y12)
Teora Turua (Y13)
Finn Fraser (Y12)
We are very proud of the mahi that has gone into this campaign. Kōkā Erana has been the driver of the waka creating many opportunities for our tamariki to be immersed in Te Ao Haka.
Alongside our new tutor Te KuraHuia, our two mana wahine māori have served the māori community in Tawa very well by keeping kapahaka alive and well here at Tawa College.
A huge mihi goes out to these two and the many whānau who have come in to help at our noho and weekly practices.
A special mention goes out to Brooke Harrison’s whānau and Te Oho Mauri Isaac-Hill’s whānau who have played very supportive roles in this campaign. Thank you for your commitment to this journey making this possible for our roopu.