Hero video
Video by Kāhui Tū Māia

He Kupu nā te Poutoko

Kāhui Tū Māia —

The following relates to the past week-our update re Covid 19 tikanga/systems will be posted once tomorrow's-20/8 announcement has been made!

Ka mihingia whānuitia koutou katoa e ngā whānau piripono e tautoko mai ana i tō tātou kura  i te rohe o Ngāti Manawa nei whakawhiti atu rā ki Kūhāwaea ā piki ake ki Ngāti Whare. Nā reira kia maia te tū e kare mā! Kia māia te tū e hika mā!

Ko tātou ēnei ngā urupā o te hunga kua riro, rātou ki a rātou, āpiti hono tātai hono, tātau ngā mahuetanga iho ki a tātou.

Tihe Mauriora!

Hauora, our health and well being, our wellness is the most important thing for us to be aware of and in fact pay priority attention to. Haoura includes physical health, mental health, spiritual health and our whānau health which is sometimes forgotten about. Here at kura Health and Safety are at the very top of our list of must dos, of our priorities. 

We have an excellent kai scheme where our Uri are all given as much as they can eat altogether in Maiharanui, our Gymnasium. We are grateful to Kidscan for supplying us with lots of nutritious kai so no one goes hungry.

Our Kaitiaki Taiao Matua Arthur takes good care of the safety requirements throughout the kura from our front fence line to the rear one. Our vans pick up from your homes and return them there after kura. Our safety kaupapa is taken care of.In terms of wairua we begin and end each day with karakia a session we call wairuatanga. Our taha wairua is the one that can get forgotten about. Our Uri know how to karakia so it would be really awesome to also karakia at home as some do and other whanau are okay about it.

Your home. Your business. Uri also bless their kai before eating.

Last but not least Whānau Hauora. How we are as whānau hauora wise is as important as all the other dimensions mentioned earlier. Our ability to tiaki ourselves as a collective unit can be very challenging at times. Paying the rent having a warm insulated home, a roof that doesn’t leak a good job that pays for kai, our bills, our hauora needs at the doctors, petrol for the car, clothing, you name it! It can become overwhelming.

There are groups who can help give advice re budgeting, issuing of free kai and so on. We can link people up with these services, people who can advocate. If you need a hand to source help call us on 073665817.At the end of the day we your whānau at kura are most appreciative of the wonderful tamariki taiohi you fullas send to us to tiaki in their learning. We dedicate ourselves to our mission of high achievement in  a happy, warm, friendly and encouraging environment. ‘Ko te Uri te Pūtake!’