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Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School

by Simon Moriarty

Principal's Pen

Simon Moriarty - September 20, 2023

Hard to believe we have come to the end of another school term. Firstly I would like to thank you all for your continued support of your children and our staff here at Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School.

2023 Cultural Festival

Last week our Kapa Haka group performed at the Selwyn School's Cultural Festival. It was an amazing event showcasing the amazing array of cultural diversity we have across our Kahui Ako. I was so, so proud of the Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School Kapa Haka group. Their performance was polished and showed the mana of every individual performer. A massive thanks to Mrs. Pareanga and the rest of our amazing staff who prepared our group for this performance.

Aspirations for our Tamariki

I continue to be blown away by the amazing feedback you have provided so far regarding the future aspirations you have for your tamariki (children).

It has been great to see people liking and supporting others feedback on the online form. If you have not yet had time to share your thoughts it is not too late.

Please read the article in the newsletter and provide us with YOUR future aspirations for YOUR children using the following link: "Aspirations for my children"

School Uniform Update

You may or may not be aware that currently, the Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School Board of Trustees is working through a review of our school uniform. A huge part of this process was factoring in the key responses we received from the community consultation. These were:


  • Polo Shirts - style, comfortable & durable material but sweat-free

  • More inclusive - all body types & gender-neutral (unisex)

  • Darker Colour palette (less stains)

  • Costing

Last week the Board of Trustees met and confirmed that new polo shirts will be introduced from the beginning of Term 1 next year. The new polo shirt will be phased in over the next two years with the current logo shirts still being able to be worn. The cost of the new polo tops will be cheaper in price compared to our current shirts.

The majority of our school uniform will remain the same, with the polar fleeces, jerseys, and merino tops incorporating the new logo from the beginning of Term 4

We are currently reviewing other items of our school uniform and will communicate a full review of our Uniform Policy next term.

Can we please reinforce that wearing our current uniform is perfectly fine and will be until the end of 2025. We will still continue our 2nd Hand Uniform Sales where our current school uniform can be purchased.

Uniform Decisions Made & Timeline:

Week 10 Term 3 - New Polo Tops signed off by the BOT and communicated with Mainland Uniform. There will be one style polo shirt for Year 1-6 students and one style polo shirt for Year 7 & 8 students. A new soft shell jacket will be introduced for purchase for Year 7&8 students.

Week 1 Term 4 - The new school logo will be printed on school polar fleeces, sweatshirts, and Merino jerseys.

November - Sample polo tops, soft shell jackets, and photos will be displayed in the office area and sent out via the school newsletter.

Mid-Term 4 - All uniform options will be fully reviewed and a new uniform policy shared with the community. PLEASE NOTE: The majority of the current uniform will remain the same, however, we are looking at simplifying and/or streamlining some options available.

1st January 2024 - New uniform options (polo shirts & soft shell jackets) can be ordered via Mainland Uniforms.

2026 - The current school uniform is phased out.

We will continue to keep you updated as decisions come to hand. If you have any questions regarding the information that has been shared please feel free to email me -

We are excited about sharing the new designs when we receive the samples in Term 4.

Have a safe and relaxing Term break with your wonderful children.

See you all next term.

