Hero photograph
Photo by Simon Moriarty

Curriculum Development: Aspirations for YOUR Tamariki

Simon Moriarty —

Last year, to support us in ensuring that our students, your children, continue to develop the skills and attributes to be the very best version of themselves, we invited you to provide us with feedback around the following key question:

Image by: Simon Moriarty

We were thrilled to collect over 250 responses from our community, our Board of Trustees, our staff, and our students. Over the last few months we have been making sense of this information and as a result, have created the following aspirational themes and statements which will become the driving force of everything we do here at Te AHi Kaikōmako Rolleston School.

                    Community Aspirations: The Image of Our Tamariki

We are incredibly proud of these aspirations as we believe they encapsulate the feedback we have received and do achieve our collective goal of ensuring our students can let their value shine, can succeed together, and show that others matter.

Our next step is to begin the process of planning and implementing these statements into all aspects of Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School. From teaching and learning programmes, to our school culture & environment to how we plan and report. We will keep you updated.

Once again thank you all for contributing to this work.

