Admin — Nov 27, 2023

On Tuesday 21st November, 34 Te Ahi Kaikōmako ākonga (students) graduated from Te Mātāpuna Mātātahi (Children’s University) at a ceremony in the Christchurch Town Hall. In addition, four students graduated in absentia.

Te Mātāpuna Mātātahi aims to raise young people’s aspirations for higher education and encourage lifelong learning. 

The University of Canterbury and Lincoln University work in partnership to deliver the programme, which is the first of its kind in New Zealand. Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School was fortunate to be offered a place in the programme for a second year. 38 students from years 3-7 were offered an opportunity to participate in our inaugural year.

Children and young people join the programme through their school and are issued a Passport to Learning. They fill the passport with hours of learning outside the school classroom. Once hours of learning or volunteering are reached, students are invited to attend a graduation ceremony to celebrate their achievements.

What struck me the most when coordinating the children’s passports was the incredible range of experiences and activities Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School ākonga participate in.
Congratulations to all our graduates for all your hard work in achieving the hours of learning to graduate.

Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School intends to continue the programme next year, information will be distributed at the start of 2024. Juan Shalfoon Kairuruku Te Mātāpuna Mātātahi I Children’s University Coordinator Te Ahi Kaikōmako I Rolleston School