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Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School

by Simon Moriarty

Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School Reporter Group

Simon Moriarty - August 22, 2023

A few weeks ago I was approached by three of our wonderful students, Aamena, Marni, and Quinn who wanted to form a reporter group. Their aim is to help our school succeed together. The reporter group will gather info from around the school and put it in the newsletter so parents/caregivers can read and know what is happening in the school.

Here is the Reporters Group's first article

Pohutukawa ReDiscover Hub Experience

By Aamena, Marni, and Quinnie

Kia ora te ata pai Rolleston community! This Term our Pohutukawa team has been going on a trip to the ReDiscover Hub and learning about sustainability.

At the ReDiscover Hub, we had a look at some compost that a machine has generated through its process. We all guessed how hot the compost was. Most of us guessed around 70 Degrees, the compost was actually 76 degrees Celsius.

After that, we made compost bottles for a worm farm.

We had a great time and really appreciate the parents for their help!

Image by: Simon Moriarty
Image by: Simon Moriarty

Our Reporter Group motto is: "Don't watch, read!"