Hero photograph
Photo by Simon Moriarty

Principal's Pen

Simon Moriarty —

WOW....it's December!!! The end of 2023 is near and boy have our students and staff been busy!!!! Many of the experiences our students are lucky to participate in can't be done without your ongoing support with transportation and parent help. We are very grateful to have such a supportive community.

Whānau Hui

A huge thanks to all whānau who were able to attend last weeks Whānau Hui. It was awesome to come together as a community and connect through games and kai. Thank you for also providing us with valuable feedback regarding what you perceive are our strengths, areas of improvement, and ways that we can continue to build community and inclusivity. One theme that came through was to try and organise more events similar to this!!!  A huge thank you to Jacob from the Selwyn Sports Trust for running the traditional Māori Games and to our dedicated staff lead by Linley Thomas and Kathie Pareanga.

Children's University Graduation Ceremony

One of my highlights this term was attending the Children's University Graduation Ceremony. As the article in the newsletter states, we had 38 Year 3-6 students complete the allocated hours to graduate from the Children's University Programme. I was honoured to call our students to the stage to receive their award. It was a great night. Thank you to Mr Shalfoon for organising this opportunity for our students.

Kahikatea Beach Education 

This week our Kahikatea students participated in the Beach Education as part of their Aquatics Programme. We look forward to sharing these photos with you when we receive them from our staff. Massive thanks to the Kahikatea Team for organising this opportunity.


On behalf of the Board of Trustees, staff and students of Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School I would like to thank our PTA for their ongoing support this year. Once again, through the dedicated hard work of Fiona and the rest of the team we have managed to provide additional resources and opportunities for our students. These have included, new play equipment, science and maths resources, sausage sizzles and soon to be ordered, kapa haka uniforms. Thank you for role modelling an E Tū Tāngata mindset.


Congratulations to all students, who represented the school at the Canterbury Athletic Sports this week. I look forward to hearing your results.

Transitions Programme

PLEASE, make sure you read the article regarding the 2023/2024 transitions programme.

TERM 4 Events

Just a reminder to keep up to date via the school HERO Portal, website and newsletter with all end-of-year events and dates.

