by Darryn Aitchison

Principal's Pen

Darryn AitchisonMay 17, 2023

Pink Shirt Day is an important occasion for us as a school to celebrate and recognise diversity in all its forms. It is vital that we as a school continue to be supportive, welcoming, and inclusive of all people, providing a safe and inclusive environment. Through our School Values and E Tū Tāngata mindset, we will continue to work hard to nurture and build understanding and responsibility within our tamariki and staff. The money raised through gold coin donations will be sent to support the Mental Health Foundation.

We begin Book Week next week. This is an exciting time for our students and staff. A huge thank you to Mrs. Bitmead, Ms. Shallcrass, and the team for all the planning and time that goes into organising the week. The importance of reading can never be undervalued; it is fantastic to be able to promote reading and books. 

It was wonderful to be able to have our first whole school assembly last Friday. Assemblies allow us the opportunity to grow our school culture, recognise achievements and celebrate student success. The next whole school assemblies take place on Fridays this term in week 7 and week 9 starting at 9.15 am in the school hall.

Our revisioning continues. In the last newsletter, you saw the visual for our school's cultural narrative. This week the new building signage has been completed. The signage gives insight into our cultural narrative giving perspective and understanding of our area, locality, culture, and history. I have included the digital signs for your reference. 

Darryn Aitchison

Acting Principal

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