by Darryn Aitchison

PTA Annual General Meeting Update

Darryn AitchisonMay 2, 2023

We would like to update our school community on the current status of the PTA. As of the AGM on May 1st, we would like to welcome Emma Keegan to the exec as Secretary, who joins Sebastian Jolly our Treasurer. Sadly however, we do not have a Chairperson. Unfortunately this means that the PTA will cease to operate until further notice.
As you can imagine, this is a sad position for us to be in. Our PTA has operated for many years, nurturing our school community and working hard to generate much needed funds to support the school. You may or may not be aware, but the PTA runs things like Sausage Sizzles, Discos, 2nd Hand Uniform Sales, Midweek Treat, the annual Quiz Night, the Fundraising Calendar, to name a few. Over the years we have donated funds to the school to purchase chrome books so parents are not required to buy these for their children, we have subsidised swimming and gymnastics lessons, paid for ice skating lessons, we purchased the slide for the playground and the paintwork that you see on the courts offering our children more options at play times. We also provide treats for the children on PB4L days. These are just some of the ways the PTA works tirelessly behind the scenes to enhance our children’s experience at school.
With no Chair, these things may not continue and it would be a huge loss for everyone, but especially our children.
We are putting this out to our school community to see if there is anyone who would like to take the reins and keep the PTA running. It could be two people in a Co-Chair role as we have done the past 3 years, or a Chair and a Vice-Chair. The commitment is a monthly meeting on a Monday evening 7.30 pm for approx 1 hour, plus meeting with the principal when needed. The role requires you to plan the meetings and have overall responsibility for what the PTA does, but that does not mean you need to do everything yourself! There is a wonderful team of people ready to support. Our current co-chairs Nicky and Ellie will remain on the committee, and our amazing principal Simon Moriarty is a huge support - so you would not be alone!If you think you could join us or would like to know more, please email Nicky & Ellie at
We hope to hear from you,
Warm regards,
Ellie & Nicky

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