Hero photograph

Nearest & Dearest Day

Tony Grey —

Friday 4th November | 9.00-10.45am

Students are invited to bring up to four special people in their life - this might be grandparents, an aunty, an uncle, a parent, sibling or a family friend.

We anticipate that carparking will be a challenge with a large number of people onsite, and so encourage people to use the neighbouring reserve, side streets and to walk in to school.

Our Nearest and Dearest are invited to join classes from 9.00am -10.30am, and also to visit our Book Fair in the office/admin area and the arts gallery in our gym foyer. 

The morning will be relatively informal and flexible, and an opportunity for our students to share their school with their near and dear.

There will be also be a light morning tea & tea/coffee available.