Hero photograph
Emma Nahna

Parent Literacy Afternoon

Sally Grylls-Thomas —

Our teachers are on a bit of a journey, and we want you to come with us!

You may have recently heard the term Structured Literacy; there is a lot of chatter around this approach online, in schools and even in the media. We are learning a lot about how ALL brains learn to read and spell, and adding this approach to the already amazing literacy teaching that happens in our spaces.

Our classrooms are already rich in literacy experiences, including oral language, poetry, songs, shared reading, reading to children, and explicit group teaching of reading and writing- this learning for our teachers is to enhance what we already do.

One of the facilitators we have engaged to help us with this is Emma Nahna. She is back early next term to work more with us and she is also going to run a parent session in the afternoon. We would love for you to join us here on Tuesday 19th October at 2.45pm.