Hui-ā-whānau | Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences
Next week on Tuesday and Wednesday, we are holding our hui-ā-whānau meetings where students will meet with you and their teacher/s to share their learning, progress goals and achievements.
Please click on the link below to book your time for Hui-ā-whānau: (use the code gepsv).
Your child will lead most of this process, with input from their teacher for part of the meeting. Our vision is to inspire, challenge and empower… we want our students actively involved in the learning process.
This mid-year Hui-ā-whānau will include achievement and progress in reading, writing and mathematics, as reported on LINC-ED.
Note: the sessions are scheduled 15 minutes apart, but this is just to allow time for the teachers to spend part of the Hui-ā-whānau with you. The Hui-ā-whānau timeframe will often be longer depending on how much your child wishes to share with you.
There will be free childcare available in Te Aroha (library/office area) for those that require it, to enable both parents/caregivers to attend.
We look forward to seeing you.
Please note: If your child is new to Te Ao Mārama (in the last few weeks), there may not be any achievement or goals recorded on LINC-ED. You are still very welcome to book a session during Hui-ā-whānau to chat with your child’s teachers about how well they are settling in.
For more information on accessing LINC-ED, please click here.