Hero photograph

Message from the Board

Te Ao Mārama School Board —

Kia Ora Whānau,

As term 3 kicks off this week with a pōwhiri to welcome new whānau to our kura, we also celebrate Matariki and the beginning of the Māori New Year.

Last term the Board held robust discussions around our responsibility regarding health and safety. The Board heard from our kaimahi and reviewed many aspects related to Health and Safety, such as camps/EOTC (Education Outside of the Classroom), how we deal with accidents, injuries, site management and general student health and safety at school. Some of the safety improvements have already been implemented with the increased safety at our carpark exit.

You would have also noticed one of our recently funded board initiatives with the new playspace progressing to create more play and learning spaces for our tamariki and whānau who will also enjoy these spaces. Spaces like these are not only important for our kura but the design is also inspired by our cultural narrative and relationship with local iwi, Ngāti Wairere.

As a co-opted Board Member of Ngāti Wairere it is always a privilege to be a part of this kura and the continued special relationship that has been built over the years with mana whenua.

Finally just a big mihi to our Kura, our community and the people within it, enjoy term 3!

Mānawatia a Matariki


Image by: Melissa Langley