Hero photograph


Sandra Humphry —

On the first day of Term 3 (Monday 25th July), we will be holding a Pōwhiri celebration to welcome our new students, their families and new staff to our school.

If your child is starting at the beginning of Term 3, or has started in Term 2 after the last Pōwhiri, we warmly invite you to come along.

The Pōwhiri will begin at 9am - please meet outside the office by 8.50am so we can guide you through the process. We will complete the pōwhiri ceremony with a light morning tea in our staffroom and we expect this to be around 9.30am. 

If you would like to read more about the pōwhiri process and the tradition behind this, please visit our website here: Pōwhiri at Te Ao Mārama.

Nau mai, haere mai! We hope to see you there.