Hero photograph

Sharing Learning at Te Ao Mārama

Sally Grylls-Thomas —

At Te Ao Mārama, we use an online platform called Hero to share student progress and acheivement, as well as communicate with parents.

Hero, (previously called Linc-ED), replaces the traditional written reporting format, as we see reporting not as an event, but as an ongoing dialogue between home and school. Teachers will post 'Learning Stories' for your child throughout the year.

We use Hero to send out all email communication to our parents and you can also access your current financial statment.

How do I access Hero? 
Full instructions can be found here: https://hero.linc-ed.com/parents/.  Hero can be accessed using a web brower, but we highly recommend downloading the Hero app to your mobile phone.

If you have any problems accessing Hero, please let us know. We can add multiple email addresses for each child and we encourage all caregivers to create log-ins.

Please also see the attached information sheet outlining how we share learning at Te Ao Mārama.