Hero photograph

Parent / Student / Teacher Meetings

Tony Grey —

Our hui-ā-whānau (Parent-Student-Teacher Meetings) are taking place on Wednesday 1st & Thursday 2nd July.

Our Hui-ā-whānau is a meeting where our students will meet with you and their teacher(s) to share their learning, progress, goals and achievement. It also provides an opportunity to reconnect following the extended closure of our school during COVID-19 lockdown and restrictions.

Your child will be empowered to lead much of this session and will also have the chance to chat about and share their learning. Our vision is to inspire, challenge and empower … we want our students actively involved in the learning process.

Please use the scheduler link below to book your time for Hui-ā-whānau: https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/code?code=7r9zy

Note: the sessions are scheduled 15 minutes apart, but this is just to allow time for the teachers to spend part of the Hui-ā-whānau with you. The timeframe will often be longer depending on how much your child wishes to share with you.

There will be free childcare available in Te Aroha (library/office area) for those that require it, to enable both parents/caregivers to attend.

As the Thursday meetings start from 1.15pm, students are welcome to go home from lunchtime (12.30pm) onwards that day with parent supervision/permission. We will have an alternate programme running at school for students who are unable to go home. Please indicate whether your child will be staying at school or going home for the afternoon on Thursday 2nd July by completing the following survey: Attendance Survey Thursday 2 July.