Hero photograph

Message from the School Board

Te Ao Mārama School Board —

Kia ora Te Ao Mārama whānau,

Can you believe we are almost at the end of term one already!? I hope it has been a smooth and settled start to the year for you and your tamariki. 

The Board thought it was timely to share a few updates as there is an exciting project in the pipeline that we are thrilled to share. This term The Board has committed funding for new outdoor play areas to be built behind the Pūkeko and Kererū learning spaces. This will be a substantial project that looks to reflect our cultural diversity, as well as connect the various spaces and places within our school grounds and maximise the ‘usable space’ for our tamariki to play and explore. 

With all things going to plan, this build should be completed prior to term 4, ready for the students (and community) to enjoy. We are in the final stages of design, and here are a few images showcasing how these areas may look.

This month we also received an update from the Ministry of Education about the proposed expansion of our school (new classrooms, which was signalled way back in late 2020). With our overall roll growth starting to steady and become more stable, this project is now on hold until our roll warrants the need for extra rooms. This may or may not be a requirement in the short to medium term.

The Board would like to thank all the families who were able to attend the Hui-ā-whānau this term. We understand the importance of fostering a strong relationship between home and school, and the positive impact this relationship plays towards student success and wellbeing at school. A special thank you to the teachers and staff who also gave their time to provide this opportunity to connect with our school whānau. Your commitment to supporting our tamariki is truly appreciated.

Finally, with sadness we would like to acknowledge Layla Rawnsley (class teacher since 2019) who is leaving us at Te Ao Mārama after today.

We are pleased to know that through your new role (Ministry of Education Resource Teacher for Learning and Behaviour), you will be able to utilise your amazing skill set to support those students most at need in the Waikato. Thank you for everything you have done during your time at Te Ao Mārama and the positive impact you have had on our tamariki.

- Chris Langley
Board Member, on behalf of the School Board