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Class Placements 2021

Tony Grey —

Many students & parents will likely be keen to know which class & teachers they will have for 2021.

Because we are likely to continue to take many more in-zone enrolments between now and the first day of school 2021, we have no option but to delay working out class/teacher placements until much nearer the start of the 2021 school year. In January 2020 we enrolled close to 50 students with a surge of new enrolments (across all year levels).

We will of course communicate this to you before the first day of 2021, and just wanted to make families aware now. 

Here are our projected timeframes for communication (please note the dates):

  • Wednesday 27th January: Classroom placements confirmed by teachers at our Staff Only Day
  • Wednesday 27th January (afternoon/evening): Parents/students find out whānau teacher and team placement via email. This will also include information about stationery orders (through OfficeMax online) and optional BYOD info for Kāhu students.
  • Friday 29th January 1-3pm: Optional Meet the Teacher drop-in session. This will be held at school and our teachers will be on site to enable you and your child to call in and say "hi".
  • Tuesday 2nd February: First day of school 2021. Our team will all place a huge focus on developing relationships at the start of the year.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. As you will appreciate, we wish we had a crystal ball!