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Teacher Only Days

Tony Grey —

Important message regarding Teacher only days 2021

Through the Primary Teachers Collective Agreement settlement back in 2019, eight additional Teacher Only Days were allocated in an accord between the Ministry of Education, and the Primary & Secondary Teacher unions (to be used in 2020-2022)

In 2020 we only used one of these days, as our focus last year was the wellbeing of our students and whānau both pre and post Covid lockdowns, and we know that any school closures impact hugely on our families.

This year we will be using 3 of the available days in the accord. Please note that we don’t intend to use all 8 days this/next year that are available as part of the settlement.

Where possible we have attached the Staff Only days to an existing long weekend or term break, so that families can make the most of them and hopefully it will mean less disruption for you all.

The first of those days will be taken on the last day of this term (Friday 16th April) & the school will be closed for instruction on that day. All staff will be at school working that day.

Teacher Only Dates 2021:

Friday 16th April (Last day of Term 1)

Friday 4th June (Friday before Queen’s Birthday long weekend) – we will be joining over 500 other colleagues from our local schools for a Community of Learning event being hosted at Rototuna High Schools.

Friday 9th July (Last day of Term 2) – we will be working with well-known neuroscience educator Nathan Wallis, whom we hosted one evening last year. Nathan will also run an evening workshop on Thursday 8th July that will be open to our parents.