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Video by Tony Grey

3D Printing Project

Tony Grey —

A wonderful example of our school living and breathing our Values. The school 3D printers are being used to help print parts for face shields for our Health workers.

A huge thanks to Frank Young who has responded to the desperate call for help and was even interviewed by TV One News and appeared on their 'Good Sorts' segment.

Read the article and watch the interview here 🔗

You can support this project in the following ways:

  • Show these videos to your child (an authentic learning experience!) and then see if they'd like to do a chore to earn $2 (or more) to contribute towards this project.
    The money raised will go towards 3D printer supplies, as we will run these machines 24/7 for however long is needed!
    Note: this is more about the kids being actively involved in such a worthwhile project than us needing the money.
  • Te Ao Mārama School Account number is: 12-3171-0179141-00
    Please use reference: 3D Printing
  • If there are businesses/residents that wish to support, you can either donate to school or direct to the Givealittle page 🔗