Hero photograph

Playground Update

Frank Young —

It's great to see our new playspaces taking shape around the school.

Phase #1 of the project is the Kererū outdoor learning space.

This area has been carefully designed to incorporate our cultural narrative/relationship with Ngāti Wairere. The play spaces incorporate references to our river (awa), mountain (maunga), Tainui waka and Hukanui marae.

There is also a new waharoa (entranceway) at the Hare Puke reserve gate, which incorporates the story behind our name, matariki, & connection with Ngāti Wairere (local iwi).

The development of play areas and outdoor learning is a key strategic goal for our Board (and was also mentioned by many parents in our Board survey/consultation).

This project will mean that our students will soon have even more opportunities for fun, physical activity, and imaginative play during their breaks, as well as an extension to their classroom learning. Our play spaces will be some of the best in the country!

Thank you to our Board for recognising & investing in the importance of play, and for fully funding this project.

This project should be completed by mid-Term 3.