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New Families Evening - 3 September

Sarah Corkill —

As our school continues to grow, we would like to ensure we continue to connect as much as we can with all the new families that join us. We also would like to provide an opportunity for new families to meet one another when starting at our school.

Our Whānau Support group will be holding a ‘New Families Evening’ once a term for all new families who have joined us. Once again, this will be a relaxed way to meet new families and make friends.

Our first date is Thursday 3rd September, 5pm-6pm. Drinks and nibbles and free childcare provided.

This invite is mainly for those families that are new to Te Ao Mārama in Terms 2 or 3 (although others are also welcome)

Please note: this will be Covid level dependent, and we will reconfirm nearer the time.

Whiria te tāngata ~ Weave the people together