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Keeping Ourselves Safe Programme

Tony Grey —

The wellbeing and safety of our students is a priority for our staff and board of trustees. Please see information below regarding the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme which will be taught over the next few weeks.

Keeping Ourselves Safe (KOS) is a school-based personal safety programme that provides children and young people with skills to cope with situations that might involve abuse. It was developed by a partnership between the NZ Police and Ministry of Education, and is taught in most NZ schools.


  • teaches students a range of safe practices they can use when interacting with other people
  • encourages students who have been, or are being abused to seek help
  • contributes to an overall community prevention programme by making parents and teachers more aware of their responsibilities to help children avoid abuse.

How is KOS implemented in schools?

School Community Officers (SCOs) work with the principal, teachers, Board of Trustees and parents to plan a whole-school approach. The aim is to create a supportive school climate in which students feel safe, and appropriate policies and procedures are in place. SCOs participate in teacher and parent workshops for the school community. They also work with staff, parents and caregivers to help them recognise and report all forms of abuse.

You can also read further information for parents here: https://www.police.govt.nz/advice/personal-and-community-advice/school-portal/resources/successful-relationships/keeping-1