Hero photograph

End of Year Achievement Data

Te Ao Mārama Leadership Team —

An important message for our parents.

2021 has certainly been a year of enormous challenge in terms of teaching and learning. As you are well aware, learning for our children has been significantly disrupted by lockdown levels in both Terms 3 & 4, which has meant every child’s learning has been greatly varied with a blend of home learning and virtual connections with their teachers and peers.

Our focus since we’ve returned to school has been to reconnect, focus on relationships and to ensure our children were feeling safe and secure in their learning environment. Therefore, our reporting this year will, like our learning, look different.

The last curriculum level statement we made through Hero was at the end term two. At the end of term 4 we have decided to keep these levels the same. These judgements are made from teacher observations, conversations and small group teaching of specific learning in class. Because this hasn’t been able to happen in an ongoing, face to face & meaningful way, we have decided to take a conservative stance about your child’s progress in reading, writing and mathematics.

This is not to say “no learning” has occurred, as that isn’t correct. It’s simply that we feel at times like this it is critical that we keep our focus on honouring our school’s values and vision, and celebrating the learning that has occurred, even if we have to pause or veer off what we would normally do.

It is important to note that our decisions above are also in line with Ministry of Education guidance.