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Bodywise Waikato

Melissa Langley —

More than a third of our children in NZ are now overweight. The most effective time to address children’s weight issues is before they reach secondary school age.

Bodywise is a group programme for children aged 5 through to 12 years. It involves participation of both the child and parent(s) in a 10 week group programme at Sport Waikato, Hamilton, with additional follow-up visits for a further 6 months. 

Programme topics include: healthy eating for families, school lunches and snacks, getting active, promoting self-esteem and confidence, tips for dealing with bullying, problem solving and goal setting. Adrianna and Anthonni are happy to receive any enquiries around being part of the Bodywise group programme.

For more information contact either:

Adrianna - Bodywise Dietitian
P: 021955984
E. adrianna.hepburn@waikatodbh.health.nz

Anthonni Hall - Active Families Coordinator
P: 0273669676
E. anthonnih@sportwaikato.org.nz

And you can follow their Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/BodywiseWaikato/