Hero photograph

Nearest & Dearest Morning - Tomorrow

Olivia Newdick & Sarah Corkill —

Students are invited to bring up to four special people in their life - this might be grandparents, an aunty, an uncle, a parent, sibling or a family friend.

Our students will share some of their learning, do fun activities with them, and also show them around their learning community and school.

Because we are expecting a big turnout, we will keep the morning fairly informal (i.e. no formal assembly due to capacity). Nearest & Dearest can head to classes in the morning (anywhere from 8.40am), and there will also be a light morning tea in the gym to pop in and grab a cuppa. Nearest & Dearest will also be welcome to visit our Book Fair in Te Aroha (office area).

Nearest and Dearest (particular those that have travelled a long distance) are welcome to take students home early if they wish (or perhaps out to lunch!? ). Please sign out from the office first