by Melissa Langley
Tony Grey — February 4, 2019
We officially opened on Wednesday 30th January with 116 enrolled students.
We are open at last and it has been so nice to see students and families in our school. There is such a nice tone around the school already and strong relationships developing between teachers and students.
Our school is still very much in the establishment stage so please bear with us as we work to set up all of the systems and structures required within a school. Rest assured though, our immediate priority has been our focus on developing strong, positive relationships.
We look forward to working closely with you over the coming weeks and months.
Please enjoy reading our first newsletter which we will call Whiria te tāngata, meaning "weave the people together". There is a lot of information to share in a new school, but we will attempt to do so in “bite size pieces”. Please also feel free to contact us with any queries.
In case you missed it, The Waikato Times visited us on opening day and you can read the article here.