Alert Levels 2 & 3 Frequently Asked Questions

We have had some questions regarding Alert Levels 2 & 3. Below is some updated information to answer some FAQs.

What activities and events will the school still do at Alert Level 2?
Currently we are taking a conservative approach and postponing or cancelling some large school events, e.g. Fun Run, Wā Ngākau assembly, School photos (note: an additional factor was that approximately 25% of our students are absent at present).

While schools are considered exempt from the large gathering rules, we do need to restrict the numbers of visitors on site (including parents), and we also need to do our best to maintain sufficient distance between students so they aren’t touching or breathing directly on each other.

My child has a minor cold/sniffle. Can they come to school?
No. Under Alert Level 2, there are strict health and safety measures for schools which have been set by the Ministry of Health. Anyone feeling unwell (staff or students) need to stay at home.

We have had to make numerous phone calls home each morning for parents to come in and collect students that are not well (coughs, runny noses etc)

We know that this can be difficult for busy working families, but please respect and understand the need for this during this challenging time.

Can parents and caregivers come onsite at Level 2?
Yes, if you need to – however physical distancing of 2 metres is recommended for parents and caregivers (to align with public health measures outside the school grounds). Parents and caregivers who come onsite need to be noted in our visitor register & check in using the NZ COVID Tracer App via our QR Code poster.

Because of the above, we have been encouraging parents to use the drop-off and pick-up points to try and limit the number of visitors on site. We really appreciate your support here as things have been going smoothly. It’s not easy to disperse 300+ students quickly!

Do children and young people need to wear face coverings at schools at level 2?
No. Children and young people do not need to wear face coverings because the risk of infection within the school environment is low. Other public health control measures will be in place including children and staff staying home if they are sick, contact tracing, and hygiene requirements.

Some people may choose to wear face coverings. If they do, we encourage respect.

Here is further information regarding FAQs about face coverings from the Ministries of Health & Education.

I have made the decision to keep my child at home a little longer, can I access some support for their learning?
At Alert Level 2 school is considered fully safe for all students and staff, but we do empathise with parents that may wish to keep their child home if unwell or because they are vulnerable to illness. We do have some hard packs of learning resources that you can access, and we will endeavour to facilitate a return to school for your child. If you would like to collect some resources, please email to arrange a collection.

What will happen if our region moves to Level 3?
As a school we are well prepared for any changes in the COVID Alert levels.

If we move to Alert level 3, all children who can stay at home, should stay at home.
Our school will only be open for children who are not able to stay at home (or if there is no other person in their immediate or extended “bubble” who can supervise them during the day).

We would switch back to offering our ICE Time remote learning plan.