Principal Post, week 7, Term 4.
Ihu oneone: Good worker
With eleven school days remaining we are continually updating information for families at this busy time. There are a couple of additions to the important dates including the itinerant music evening (6 December) and the PTA have organised for a coffee cart on 11 December for families to purchase coffees if they wish.
Swimming pool helpers
At present we don’t have enough helpers for the roster over December and January. The board are very keen to keep the pool open, this relies on a number of people willing to be trained and responsible for at least four consecutive days. Please contact Jo at the office
We are appreciative of the family who informed us about the recent graffiti in the weekend. We encourage families to ensure their children are supervised and safe at school outside of school hours. Together we can ensure that Te Ara Maurea - Roydvale School is a safe place for our children, families and the community.
We are delighted to inform the community that we have been successful in being allocated a staff member to train for Reading Recovery in 2018. This is a fabulous programme where teachers work with individual children for periods of half an hour, five days a week. Mrs Hazel Fyfe has been integral in providing this programme to Roydvale School for periods of time since 1994 and will be finishing at the end of the year. We look forward to Mrs Marlene van der Bent being trained in Reading Recovery for 2018.
We have had an increase in our enrolments throughout the year and the board have not accepted any ‘out of zone’ Year 1 places in 2018 except for siblings. This is a great position for the school to be in.
Homerooms for 2018
On 14 December we will be having a ‘Meet the 2018’ Homeroom teacher, children will go to their 2018 Homeroom for a short period of time in the morning. Next year the teachers will be working in the following spaces:
Miss Lara Hyland - Homeroom 9 -Team Leader
Miss Kirsty Parker - Homeroom 7
Mrs Anke Beckers-Yu / Mrs Lucy Willets - Homeroom 8
Miss Tayla Bruce - Homeroom 1
Miss Anna Grocott - Homeroom 2
Emily Keenan - Team Leader
Mrs Marlene Van der Bent / Mrs Jessica Whitfield- Homeroom 14 -
Miss Michalla Thomson - Homeroom 13
Miss Alice McBreen-Smith - Homeroom 12
Miss Tracie Jones - Homeroom 11
Mrs Deb Whitburn-Hooft - Homeroom 3
Miss Jessica Lawrence - Homeroom 5 - Team Leader
Mrs Hilary Seymour - Homeroom 6
Some important dates
Wednesday 6 December:
Itinerant music performances 6-7pm in the School Hall
Thursday 7 December :
9:15am School Service assembly (two students from each Homeroom will receive a certificate for Living the Roydvale vision - parents of children receiving certificates will be notified by homeroom teachers)
Friday 8 December :
Reports for Year 4-6 go home
Monday 11 December :
5-7pm Christchurch City Big Band (carols and singing -weather permitting) Bring your own picnic, there will be a sausage sizzle available 5-6:30pm $2 a sausage and bread. The PTA have organised a coffee van for parents to purchase coffees for the event.
Wednesday 13 December:
10-11am Year 6 Leavers Assembly.
Year 6 fun day (information to come home via the teachers for Year 6 students)
Thursday 14 December:
9:10am Staff leavers assembly
11am Parent Helpers morning tea
Meet the 2018 Homeroom teacher
Friday 15 December: Final Day 12:30pm finish
Touch tournament
On Sunday a team of parents organised a Year 5 / 6 team for a touch tournament at Sheldon Park. They lost two games and drew one and unfortunately missed out on the semi finals. I received an email from one of the parents who said that the children represented Roydvale with pride, they put all their efforts and energy into each match. We would like to particularly thank Mike R, Maree R, Sonya R who ensured the children were at the right place at the right time. We would also like to thank the parents who supported this event and assisted with transport. This is another example of our fabulous community working together.
Book Amnesty
We have already had a number of books returned. This is fabulous, no questions asked, it’s great to have these returned to school. If you have some reading or library books at home we are requesting that you return these. Thank you in anticipation.
Last School Assembly
On Tuesday we had our last school assembly. It was great fun seeing the line dancing and events that the Kea team have been involved in recently. Thank you to the families who have celebrated these assemblies throughout the year with us. The Homerooms have thoroughly enjoyed sharing their learning journeys with you all.
2018 Stationery
On the first school day, Monday 29 January all stationery packs for children will be available from the Homeroom. This stationery will be handed out by the Homeroom teacher on receipt of payment. All stationery must be paid prior to the Homeroom teacher handing this to your child. Payment for next year’s stationery can be made now via online payment or at the office.
CyberSafety in the holidays
A reminder to parents with the holidays coming up that at school we have a number of ‘fire walls’ and we encourage families to learn and understand the digital platforms their children are using and monitor their device use. There are an extensive number of sites to support families in knowing how to ensure your child is safe on line. We had John Parsons Internet Safety Assessor speaking with staff, students and parents in Term 3. Here are his tips for parents. Here is a clip for parents to view: CEOPs Thinkuknow education programme. Please be aware of what your child is doing digitally.
Congratulations to the following children who received certificates in assembly this week:
Sophie K, Isabella G, Grace H, Lucas G, Sarah H, Joff F, Kate M, Isaac B, Jayden G, Jasmine C, Brent C, Alexis W-N, Erith C, Wally L, Seungjun K, Marcus W, Yuxin H, Dylan R, Hiroaki S, William E & Jayda F.