Disco Time!!!
Friday 4 November
The disco is this week!!! Woohoo!!!
Years 1-3 (Junior) - 5.00pm-6.00pm
Years 4-6 (Senior) - 6.15pm-7.30pm
Entry Fee - Gold Coin Donation
Snacks (Chips/Chocolate Bar/Lollies) - 50c each
Water - Free
On the Night Organisation
Children must be signed in and out from Room 9/10 -Main block classes. An email with instructions was sent yesterday. If you missed it email your child's homeroom teacher for it to be resent!
Adult Helpers
Thank you to all those who have offered to help at the Junior, Senior or Both discos. An email will be coming to you this evening to confirm details. If you are still keen and able, then please click on this link and fill in the form.
It is very exciting to be able to have a disco to finish up the year. We look forward to seeing you all this Friday.
Te Ara Maurea Roydvale PTA