Principal's Post- Week 5, Term 3, 2023
He toa taumata rau: Bravery has many resting places.
Our tamariki have experienced a number of events and highlights of the term over the last week. The Kererū team headed off to town to visit Tūranga one of the many amazing libraries in our city and the Margaret Mahy playground last week. Our Kāhu team had the Blake VR lessons on Tuesday and Monster Music organised a ‘Jam’ session at lunch time on Wednesday for our budding musicians to share their new learning with us all. Tomorrow we are looking forward to hosting the NED show once again in our school. The show has a positive message for our Tamariki - Never give Up, Encourage others and Do your best. Our children have really valued these learning experiences.
Our tamariki are leading some really important areas of learning at our school. We have a team of students looking at our attendance data and sharing some helpful tips for our tamariki to support improved attendance.
Tips From The Attendance Group
By Olivia C, Emily C, Isabella H and Jaimee
Here are some tips for you so you can get to school on time. We use these for us to get on time.
Set your own alarm instead of relying on your parents to wake you up.
Go to sleep earlier so you can wake up earlier and get to school on time.
If you scooter, bike, or walk to school, leave early to make sure you leave early enough to get to school on time.
Get your clothes ready the night before school so you don't need to get your clothes ready in the morning.
Turn off electronic devices one hour before bedtime.
Have a regular morning routine so you know what to do.
We hope that you get on time to school with these tips! Share this with your whānau so these help them too.
From the Attendance Group
PTA Quiz night
We have a number of our staff attending a refresher first aid course on 22 August and then some are heading to the Quiz Night that evening, they are looking forward to connecting socially with our whānau to raise funds for some much needed updated sports uniforms.
We look forward to seeing who wins the ‘Principal for a day’ auction, we have organised a busy day for the child and our really popular Term 3 car park. We hope to see you there. Thank you to Louisa and her team for organising this popular event.
Generous Sports uniform donation
We have received a very generous donation from one of our families to contribute to these funds which means we are able to update the new sports jackets. Thank you to the whānau who kindly made this donation.
Community connections
Our Assistant Principal, Lara Hyland attended a parent education session at one of our local pre schools a couple of weeks ago. I would like to thank Lara for sharing her knowledge and supporting our local Early Education Centres.
We have four staff who are participating in Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori course, this is for 2 ½ hours a week and then two weekend sessions. This is a great commitment from our staff. Alongside this we have 8 staff attending the Tūahiwi marae for a workshop that they provide for organisations. Thank you to our Board who support our staffing in honouring Te Tiriti o Te Waitangi.
Non Uniform Day
The student council supporting the Cancer Society Daffodil day next week with a non uniform day on Friday 25th August. Students are invited to wear casual clothes to schoo,l with an optional gold coin donation
We will also have Cancer Society yellow ribbons for sale in the library before school on Thursday & Friday next week. These will be gold coin donation, should your child wish to purchase one.
Welcome to Te Ara Maurea Roydvale School
We would like to welcome Kayeloh, Emily and Tara-Lynn.