Hui Whakapūmau
In Week 3 of this term, we held our first Senior Graduation ceremony.
Conceived by Senoir Students Maddie Wilmot and Harmony Rynar, Hui Whakapūmau was created as a celebration of students’ graduating Te Aratai College, celebrating the achievement of every students’ personal goals and aspirations with whānau, highlighting students’ pathways, and celebrating the status of completing Year 13 at Te Aratai College.
It was fantastic to see so many of our ākonga up on the stage receiving acknowledgement for all the mahi they have put into their studies and extracurricular activities throughout their time here. There were many great speeches shared by whānau, kaiako and ākonga, and a heart-warming way to farewell our Year 13s as they move on to their next big adventure in their chosen pathways beyond Te Aratai.