Robbie Timo — Jun 28, 2020

Dean's Report For All Whānau and Students of Karaka House.

Kia ora, talofa lava. It is great to be back at the school site with our learners again. Online learning has been a revelation for some but a challenge for others who have not been able to engage due to various reasons. Everyone has worked hard to ensure that our learners are back on track after lockdown.

Please ensure you have read the updates for NCEA and understand where your child is in regard to their credits and what they need to achieve for a positive result. If you have any concerns, please contact your child’s Ako teacher or myself.

Thank you to the whānau who braved the cold weather and came to the school interviews last weekend. Anyone who could not attend last week and wishes to hear how their child is progressing, again, please feel free to contact your child’s Ako teacher or myself.

It was great to see so many people back on the sporting fields or supporting our children in their sport after a long break. It will be a shortened season as far as winter sports are concerned. Please ensure your child has all the necessary equipment to participate safely in their sport.

Finally, during the term break holidays make sure you get out and about in the city. The Christchurch Art Gallery currently has a featured collection, Te Wheke: Pathways Across the Ocean. All libraries have child-centered activities, especially at the city center. Check out for more details.

Tofa soifua, Robbie Timo