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Pono House Senior Dean's Report

Marco Guglietta —

Term 3 credit frenzy: navigating a busy term packed with NCEA achievement opportunities.

Kia ora whānau.

As the Senior Dean of Pono House, I am writing to extend my warmest greetings and reaffirm our commitment to supporting our students during this bustling NCEA time. We recognize the significance of this time and the hard work required from our young learners.

The goal for Pono House is to create a nurturing and empowering environment where every student can flourish academically and personally. To ensure our students succeed, we have implemented an academic tracking system in collaboration with our dedicated kaiārahi and teachers.

Our kaiārahi play a crucial role in guiding our students throughout this demanding period. They provide personalized mentorship, set academic goals, and foster the determination needed to overcome challenges. My heartfelt thanks go out to the kaiārahi who consistently provide unwavering support to our ākonga.

As the Senior Dean, I will be closely monitoring our students' progress, offering unwavering support, and identifying any areas where extra assistance may be required. My door is always open, and I encourage students to reach out for guidance or simply a listening ear.

Parents and caregivers, your support is invaluable during this time. Encourage your children to seek assistance, maintain a healthy study routine, and take breaks to recharge. Positive reinforcement and open communication go a long way in nurturing their confidence and determination.

At Pono House, we believe in the capabilities of each student. Hard work, dedication, and perseverance are the cornerstones of success. Our kaiako are working diligently to provide additional study sessions and resources to ensure every student is well-prepared for their assessments.

As we embark on this journey, let us remember the strength of our community. Together, we will navigate through this busy period, celebrating the achievements and growth of our students. NCEA can be demanding, but it is also an opportunity for our students to showcase their potential and growth. Let us support them, reminding them that they are capable, resilient, and deserving of success.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Together, we will make Term 3 one of accomplishment, growth, and success for every student at Pono House.

Mauri ora,

Marco Guglietta 

Pono Senior Dean 
