Sophie Watson — Jun 30, 2020

Every Friday the weekly notices are now broadcast to Ako classes.

The morning announcements were created by a team of students with the help of Mr Russell, the head of music department. This program's main focus is to inform the school of what is going on and keep the students up to date with school news. These announcements also are providing a humorous, fun way to deliver the school notices. 

Morning Announcements Week 11 Ben Russell

It started off with two students reading the morning notices in their Ako class and soon grew in popularity leading to this idea of having recorded announcements for the whole school. After many practices and test runs, the team finished their first couple of videos. These videos took plenty of effort, including setting up a studio space and painting a green screen. These videos have been pretty successful so far. Morning announcements are a way of encouraging school spirit and a fun way of delivering our notices to everyone, creating a fun experience and helping forge bonds between students. It could also encourage students to thrive in more technological and media influenced learning paths. 

Morning Announcements Week 12 Ben Russell

Currently, Linwood has a full production of students ranging from year 9 to 11 and is welcoming to any student wanting to join and help out. Some of the positions available in the morning announcements include presenting, video recording, editing, mixing sound and research. It's a lot of fun and a great learning opportunity for everyone who is involved.