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Online Learning

Garth Lewis —

How to access your child's classes during our "hybrid-learning" and isolation at home.

Kia ora koutou.

Whether ākonga are rostered home and working online or engaging onsite, learning is always accessible. Kaiako have been working closely with ākonga to set up online learning through our digital platforms like Google Classroom, Sites and Hapara workspace. Ākonga can access classwork for all subjects by going to our Linwood College Website, clicking on Student Life and Learning tab, Learning at Linwood and then Learning Sites. Alternatively, click on the following link Linwood College Learning Sites. Navigate to your relevant learning area and you will be directed to current learning.

If there are any concerns around online learning or ākonga cannot access any classwork please get in touch by emailing your learning area teacher and/or kaiārahi (ako teacher). All of our kaiārahi, deans and teaching staff have their emails listed in our Staff Contact List.

Stay safe and work smart.

Ngā mihi

Garth Lewis