Dan Russell and Nick Colville — Mar 11, 2021

This year LCŌ has introduced a new course for Year 12 students, which aims to equip students with the fundamentals of self-management and communication so they can feel confident pursuing any career path. The course is called Pre-employment Trades and Traning (PETT) and focuses on communication for employment, community participation, self-management, skills and training, and gives learners opportunities to build their confidence, literacy and social skills through experiential learning. 

Throughout the year learners will identify their learning goals, interact with a wide range of people inside and outside the school while also developing their resume for the workplace and trades training. The programme seeks to ensure students are equipped to be ready for the workplace - job search skills, interview skills, a great CV, driver license, time management, problem-solving, working in a team, and overcoming setbacks and difficult tasks. These are skills that every employer wants, regardless of the industry. This course is an alternative to L2 English and L2 English Language but is heavily based on functional communication and workplace literacy. It is additionally beneficial to students in developing self-management skills before they can be work-ready. 

In one learning task, students were put into groups where they had one lesson to compete in building the tallest structure using only spaghetti, string, a marshmallow and sellotape. This lesson endeavoured to foster skills and reflection on the qualities of collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving. A lot of fun was had, even as some of the creations came tumbling down in the last seconds. 

Mohammed Hassan, Soran Khalandi and John Pancho.